About us

Hey there! My name is Dean, I am happy to say we are now in Sasquatch Country! And we are ready to find Sasquatch!  I’ve always had a fascination with Sasquatch and the PNW as that’s where I grew up, and my curiosity hasn’t ever stopped.

When I was 15 years old, before the Internet and cellphones, I went camping with six friends from a local church my family attended. We decided to set up camp near some old logging roads by the Quinault River Area in Western Washington for a week in the woods. Our campsite was set up at the darkest turn off I have ever seen - I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face until we had a fire burning and flashlights turned on! That first night, we kept feeling that someone was watching us for a few hours. I can’t say I saw Sasquatch with my own eyes, but all the signs lined up with Sasquatch being there. Trees breaking in the distance, knocking sounds, and very strong smelling odor. That night we didn't sleep too well, but we did go home in one piece. Even though we didn't see Sasquatch, it was an experience to make you a believer. 



This photo is from the North American Bigfoot Center in Boring, Oregon taken in August, 2023. A  great pace to visit.

Squatch 1811 is a company name I came up with after researching the Columbia River. Be sure to check out English Explorer David Thompson to see what he discovered in 1811. 

Thank you for visiting our store. If there any questions that I can help with please contact me!